Fri. Mar 14th, 2025

What kinds of plants can grow without Drainage?

It might seem like a strange idea when you think about it, but why should you learn about plants that develop without drainage? There could be a variety of reasons. Perhaps you'd like to plant indoors, or do not have outdoor space? Perhaps you've seen someone else's succulents and cacti, then thought that you'd like as well! Succulents are an excellent option because they're fascinating and, once you begin to settle into the routine, they are actually quite easy to maintain.

We all know that the majority of plants need to be watered frequently. Cacti and succulents tend to thrive in areas of drought which means they are able to use only a tiny amount of water (we will go over the issue about watering succulents in the near future). However, they require watering, and that's where problems arise when you plant succulents that don't drain within the container. Before we get into the reason the reasons why this could be the case, let's talk a little more information about succulents and why they're fascinating plants.

What are Succulents?

Succulents are plants that have evolved to flourish in extremely dry areas. Although they do require water, they don't require huge amounts of it. As with cacti they conserve water in their body parts or leaves and are often referred to as fat plants – making them appear fleshy.

A variety of succulents produces beautiful flowers, but this can be a challenge to achieve if you're novice, which is why it requires patience. If you're looking to plant plants indoors, they're an excellent option, and since growing plants can be beneficial to the health of your mind, it will also benefit you in different ways. There are a variety of suppliers of succulents that can assist you in starting what is sure to become a fulfilling and enjoyable pastime and we suggest that you look them up and get as much information that you possibly can. Let's look at the reasons you might want to cultivate plants in a pot without drainage holes.

Why Doesn't It Grow Without drainage Succulents ?

It's not recommended to plant succulents without a drain hole inside the container however it can be done. A lot of people prefer to do it this way because they've discovered a container that they love or do not have any containers available with the proper size . Another important factor is that has holes. Let's say that you're looking to begin planting an indoor succulent garden with pots that don't have holes at the bottom. where should you begin?

A lot of people begin in the process of filling their planter with soil. Thinking that this will create drainage beds. Do not do it! Avoid gravel. This isn't an ordinary plant you're growing, but one that is succulent! This will make it harder to get space in the pot as it causes what is known as"perched water tables' which will stop the water from draining out of the soil.

The biggest issue with succulents growing in this kind container is the fact that it's extremely easy to drown the plant. It's not necessarily excessive water that's the issue They like being covered in water so they can bring it inside to store it – but the water stays on the ground for too long. This can cause the plant to die. Keep in mind that these are plants that are derived from desert regions and other regions with less rainfall and are expected to thrive under similar conditions at home.

Then, you should begin by filling the pot with soil. The soil must be similar to the one used of all succulents-as clean of organic matter as is possible. It is important to mimic the natural habitat of the succulent. There are succulent soils that you can purchase, so make sure to ask the local plant shop. When you've found the perfect soil in the proper pot, you're all set to go.

You're not getting drainage. What can you do? Let's take a look at solutions to the issue!

What is the best way to water Succulents without Drainage Hole

The first choice is to make the drain hole! It is possible to create one by locating an attractive pot with holes in it, inserting it into an container, or creating a cachepot. This is when you put one of the smaller containers – that has drainage holes – inside a larger one, and fill it with soil. The water is drained from the smaller one into the soil of the larger one. Problem solved!

Here are some additional tips for growing succulents indoors in a pot without drainage holes:

  • The plant should be watered less than you normally would. A succulent should be watered often, but not excessively. If the soil becomes dry, it has absorbed everything it requires. It will take a few days before watering it again.
  • Directly into the soil This way, plants can absorb the water faster through its roots. While some plants absorb water through their leaves, they aren't typically found, and so watering the soil directly is the most effective method.
  • Repot the plant on a regular basis so that it is in the right size pot enough to accommodate it. Give it new soil every time you do it so that it can be able to drain more easily. This allows the plant to develop at its own natural rate.
  • Take out any excess water a few minutes after you've given the plant a good watering. It's a challenging task, but taken care of, it can result in less risk that you overwater your plants.

The most important thing here is permitting the plant to be fed, but making sure that the soil is dried quickly enough to not cause the succulent to drown or turn to rot.


They are fun to plant and, once you recognize the reasons they differ from other types of plants, they're easy to grow. There are numerous varieties and you can design a an interesting indoor garden using succulents. So why not take a look and then try designing the perfect indoor succulent plant.

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