Fri. Mar 14th, 2025

Plant diseases that affect trees and shrubs in your garden

The disease was classified into six categories based on the damage they cause woody plants, which include: leaf diseases roots and collar rot cankers, vascular wounds viral illnesses, and diseases of nature abiotic. Plant ailments can be caused by a myriad of elements, including molds, bacteria, fungi or viruses, as well as the environmental. Common plant diseases that affect ornament and nursery are discussed below. Also, check out in the chapter "Compendium of diseases and pests as well as the practices of the recommended treatment " from OMAF called Crop Protection Guide nursery and ornament.

Foliage disorders

The majority of plant diseases manifest initially on the leaves. But, the damage observed in the foliage doesn't necessarily mean that the foliage appear to be "sick". In fact, it's not common for leaves to fall, change color brown or yellow, get covered in spots, or deform or fall down due to illnesses that have nothing to do with or have to do with the foliage. This state change of the leaves is usually due in part to roots rot, vascular wilt or cankers elsewhere in the plant.

A variety of non-infectious triggers like dry soils, drought (excessive irrigation) and pollution of the air can cause signs similar to the disease that affects the leaves. Sometimes, an issue with the roots is not identified until the onset of first signs in the leaf. Before you request a diagnosis, it's important to ensure that the roots are firm and white not spongy or brown.

The majority of leaf diseases can be attributed to high humidity or the long-lasting period of rain on leaves. The irrigation plan must ensure that the crops susceptible to foliar ailments are being watered from the beginning to midday in the day and not at the end in the evening or evening.

This will ensure that the foliage is kept as wet as it is possible, and reduces the minimal risk of developing leaf diseases. Downy mildew and white leaf diseases, leaf spot, anthracnose as well as red (falling needles) are all common ailments which directly affect the leaves. Spots that cause rust in hardwoods are described in the section "Chancres" at page 70 (due due to the signs that manifest on hosts that are intermediate).

Gray mould (Botrytis)

The disease, which is caused by the fungus Botrytis cinerea affects the succulent tissue of the stems, bulbs leaves, flowers, and bulbs of plants. It is often affecting flowers, leaves that are open, or senescent succulent shoots, as well as tissues that are damaged. The symptoms differ between one plant and the other. When the air is humid, the fungus can cause fuzzy gray felt at the affected parties.

High relative humidity can contribute to the spread in the spread of this disease. Therefore, we will endeavor to lower humidity levels through promoting air circulation around plants. Get rid of the areas of wiltedor senescent or sick plants, particularly in the event of rainy weather forecast. Do not sprinkle water on crops, unless it is on the leaves at the close of the day. Also, do not leave any dead or dying blooms on plants, or surrounding soil.


Mildew is visible at the start of spring. When conditions are extremely humid this mushroom could produce an airy felt (sporulation) that ranges from gray to brown on the underside of leaves. If the humidity levels go lower (in mid-day or in the day for example) the felt could disappear. The upper leaves could have spots of angular shape that discolor and pull off the purple. This disease is likely to spread when the weather is humid and the air circulation is poor. It is essential to lower the amount of moisture by creating a healthy air circulation around the plant.

Take care to remove discolored parts immediately as they may be senescent or sick particularly when it promises rain. Beware of irrigation with a sprinkle at the end of the day . Also, do not abandon dead leaves or dead flowers on plant or the ground around it.

white (powdery mildew)

Many species of mushrooms are responsible for the white sickness. Spores are formed in white powdery masses that are found on the surface of leaves and in the tissues that are young. Spores can be spread by winds and may cause secondary infections. However, the various species of mushrooms are not able to spread easily from one kind of plant to the next.

The mildew's powdery appearance is evident at mid-season, when it's hot in the day, and nights are still cool. It can attack many ornamental species, such as species belonging to the Genus Syringa, Rosa, Ligustrum and Amelanchier and various perennials that are herbaceous. As with the other species, it is primarily on the surface of leaves, it is possible to fight it by using fungicides from as early when symptoms begin to appear. In some instances like roses, significant malformations may occur and cause.

White disease causes certain plants with Ornamental (eg Physocarpus) an appearance very woolly and dense. Other species (eg Coreopsis, Sedum, and Berberis) It can be seen as variably colored leaf spots. Because mycelium , as well as the white-spores that define it aren't always evident in all cases, it is possible to miss the White disease is frequently mistakenly identified on these species.

To help slow it down to slow it down, select a spot that has an air flow. If you can, choose resistant cultivars or those that tolerate. The use of sprinklers during the day can slow spreading of fungal diseases but you should avoid applying the same technique at night because it can encourage the growth of spores in the night.

Anthracnose and leaf spots

We categorize under the term "anthracnose" the various kinds of conditions that result in the development deformed spots that appear on the leaves or on fruits. The disease can also cause cankers on twigs. Infected areas expand and melting into massive necrotic spots as disease advances. In the most severe cases, it can lead to loss of foliage.

Leaf spots are a result of their own. However, a loss in foliage repeated season after season will reduce the plant's strength and result in the plant to die. The cool, overcast and rainy spring weather can trigger the appearance of the fungi responsible for leaves spots as well as anthracnose. The hosts most commonly used by plants belong to the following categories: Catalpa, Populus, Juglans, Carya, Crataegus, Acer, Quercus, Platanus, Philadelphus, Sorbus and Aesculus. Anthracnoses of plane trees (Gnomonia plantain) can cause havoc in Ontario and is associated with the demise of numerous species of trees throughout the east United States.

Tree and shrub diseases shrubs

The diseases that affects Red Pine (Pinus), Spruce (Picea) and the Fir (Abies) are at risk of the fungi that cause red-colored diseases. The disease usually disappears once the new growth for the year begins to appear. A tiny black fruiting body are then able to develop alongside the needles that are infected, typically as a substitute for small white stomata. The infected needles from the preceding season can fall to the ground in the next summer and fall. In nurseries throughout Ontario the disease could cause serious problems for older plants ranging from one to four years old.

Apple Scab

While the scab infection is a fungal one which manifests itself within the fruits, it can also result in the appearance of purple spots in the leaf of Malus. Scab on apples (Venturia inaequalis) can cause massive defoliation of crabapples in the rainy and cool periods that occur between mid- and end of spring, which is to say, during the time when the leaves have gone. The best farming practices can reduce the risk of this disease developing. Plant trees in open areas and in a sunny area where air circulation is adequate.

Check that trees are in good health and conduct a routine pruning process to encourage the circulation of air within the leaves. Since pathogens are able to overwinter in the fallen leaves on the ground, it is necessary to take the leaves off towards the end of season and get them removed from the area of growth (this method can prove ineffective if other affected trees around). If it's not possible to get rid of leaves and then try shredding them with a lawnmowers when they fall. If the leaves are cut to pieces, decay of the microbial organism will accelerate which can reduce the growth of fruiting bodies in the mushroom that can produce infectious spores next spring. When possible, cultivars will be used to create apple crabs that are not susceptible to Scab. If the weather is particularly cold and wet during the growth of leaves or symptoms of Scab occur, apply homologated fungicides. The first spray should be applied when you see the edges of leaves start to show. Repeat the treatment between 7 and 10 days until the leaves begin to harden.

Pyracantha scorch (bush-burning)

The scab of Pyacantha (Venturia pyracanthae) is a fungus that destroys the fruit of the cultivars, which can be affected by the disease. for these cultivars, spray treatment is generally required from one year to the next. Orange Glow cultivars, Orange Charmer as well as Mohave tend to be more resilient.

The root and the root rot

Pythium as well as Phytophthora soil fungi are the cause of various root and collar rots of many plants. The existence of these fungi is often due to excess watering or a poor drainage of soil. When a plant is infected the lower leaves – petiole and the stem develop the appearance of spongy. In the end the whole plant begins to begins to rot below ground. In some species decorative fungicides, fungicides with preventive properties (like Subdue MAXX) can be integrated into the substrate at the time of filling in order to decrease the risk of diseases brought on from Pythium or Phytophthora.

The Rhizoctonia as well as the Fusarium mushrooms result in the formation the brown color of a chancre over the roots and stems of affected plants. In addition, Thielaviopsis fungus causes rot severely damaged roots in plants. The tissue infected by this fungus pull more heavily on brown as well as black making it possible to differentiate it from other fungi that cause disease. If the seedlings have been established the fungus will talk about the damping-off of the seedlings. The Thielaviopsis fungus is more frequently encountered in flowering plants that are ornamental rather than nursery plants.

branches and the stems of the woody plants. In areas that are infected of the plant, the bark could be damaged, cracked, and removed easily. After being stripped of its bark the wood and cambium shrink and their color shifts from dark brown or reddish-brown, and then black. The pustules that produce fruit from the pathogen usually appear on dead bark. Chancres may completely wrap around the stem or branch which results in dead areas in the tree. Chancres may be multi-year or annual. They are usually found in plants that have low hardiness, and are weakened by conditions such as drought, inconvenient roots or poor soil conditions. The chancres can be attributed to the fungi harmful parasites belonging to the Genus

Cytospora, Nectria, Valsa and Hypoxylon. Plants healthy and vigorous usually resist disease through "compartmentalization" (ie, circumscribing the fungus inside the tissues callosum). Some chancres have fungal origin. However, the initial damage to tissues can also be caused by sunstroke or geldegel playing or may be due to mechanical cause. Certain maykers (eg pine blister and rust) white chestnut blight and walnut canker ash may severely harm the forest. Monoculture in forestry and nursery can also cause conditions that favor the growth of extremely chancres.

This mushroom Cylindrocladium buxi causes an illness of serious severity that leads to the loss of boxwood. It manifests itself through the appearance of tiny, irregular black chancres in the cylindrical shape along the lower branches and stems. The cambial tissue beneath bark, and triggers the burn of the leaves. They are, however, the cankers that are the most reliable indicator of the disease.

Sudden oak ink can be a symptom caused by an infectious yeast (Phytophthora ramorum) which is attracted by humid and cool environments. It's a serious disease which caused the death of millions of oaks across California as it was first discovered in the late 1990s.

The destruction is widespread across the USA. The dead leaves remain at the base of the tree, and they take form in a sagging appearance. In the heat and rain amber, an amber exudate can develop into new infection points. Flows from permanent cankers may form on the main branches or trunks, as well as on roots as when the infection is spreading. The fire blight infection can be serious in the event of hot weather and wet at the time when the host plant is in bloom and leaves begin to emerge. The elements of rain, wind and insects carry the disease from one plant to the next.

It is fought by getting rid of the cankers, and then cutting the wood 30 centimeters below the infected area during the period when the trees are in dormancy. It is also necessary to eliminate infections that are in the vicinity such as apple trees or pear trees that have been abandoned. Pruning tools need to be cleaned after every cut. Spraying with bactericidal can be beneficial at the time of flowering. For more information, consult the OMAF Publication 360, guide to Fruit Culture. Another bacteria (Pseudomonas Syringae PV. Syringae) might be at the source of the declining of nursery material that is grown in containers. A variety of deciduous woody species are susceptible to this bacterium.

This is especially the instance of the lilac (Syringa) and syringa (Philadelphus) and ornamental cherries (Prunus). Signs of the disease are apparent when the plant is released during the spring. Then we can notice buds that have blackened and shoots that have already died. The sudden temperature fluctuations, along with prolonged periods of time during which leaves remain damp, appear to encourage the growth of bacteria in seeds in containerized seedlings. Some growers reduce the likelihood in the spread of this disease by establishing drip irrigation networks to ensure the leaves are dry, while delaying taking off tarpaulins made of plastics on valuable and sensitive species.

To ease the pressure caused by the disease, use bactericides following the fall of leaves in autumn and then when the blooms and the bud break in spring. Other bacteria can cause spots to appear on the leaves. Pseudomonas species as well as Xanthomonas cause leaf tissue to become infected by the time they become hot and humid. They usually show up in July, in extreme heat summers. They cause angular spots to the leaves of various species of flowering shrubs that are deciduous plants, including Hydrangea.

The edges of leaf spots are usually defined by ribs of small size, creating patterns that look like the aerial views of roads and fields. It is possible to apply bactericidal substances to stop the disease from spreading. can spread to other leafy plants. But, they don't allow for eliminate existing infections.

The neck is a victim of tumors.

The bacterial infection can be caused by Agrobacterium tumefaciens. It is responsible for the development of galls that are located on the rough surface , and also irregular that may extend to many centimeters. The majority of woody plants are susceptible to snail gall, which includes Rosaceae charcoal, willow and the nut tree. The most common site of these injuries is on the ground, in close proximity to the collar however, they can also be found on the roots and aerial parts of the plants, in particular willows that are grafted onto the stem.

This isn't an actual change, however the effects are similar as it affects its vascular system and could cause annellations. The bacteria may remain dormant in the soil , but not the host for around two years. The host is sucked into to heal injuries caused specifically by tillage pruning or the process of grafting.

We can limit the development of tumors that grow on the crown of branches stem-grafted (eg, Salix) with the the polyethylene tunnel technique that shields trees from the wind's ability to carrying soil particles as well as the bacteria that build up in the cuts. Install a sanitary procedure which includes the sterilization of grafting instruments following every use. Replace or remove the soil that is infected or let the area lie fallow for two years prior to cultivating it once more. Pesticides do not always work. Vascular wilting The invading of bacteria or fungi in the vascular system of plants can decrease amounts of sap reaching the leaves, which causes the leaves to wilt.

When it is cool and humid, a brief break is provided by leaves but the withering process eventually is slowed down. The loss of twigs and foliage eventually results in the demise of branches and any plants. Some of the most notable examples are Dutch Elm disorder ( Ceratocystis ulmi) and verticillium will (caused due to Verticillium dahliae). To prevent these diseases, choose cultivars that are resistant to the disease and plant susceptible plants in soils that are free of pathogens. Check out Table 2-18, Woody plants that are resistant to Verticillium on this page. Table 2-19, Woody plant susceptible to Verticillium on this page.

Sometimes, it is possible to save plants affected by Verticillium through strengthening the plants with pruning, fertilizing, or irrigation. Similar to these pathogens that live inside the plants, so the application of fungicides directly on the plant aren't effective. Verticillium is a pathogen borne in soil which can live for years in soil. It was the case that in past times, plants that were planted in open fields were afflicted by verticillium wilt as a result of injuries that were repeated in the root system at the occasion of pruning or tillage processes. When planting trees susceptible to Verticillium in the field, it is essential to prepare the ground to determine the possibility that the fungal spores are present.

The Viruses

Viruses usually manifest themselves through Foliage imperfections – mottling flapping, or deformation – or by the abolition of flowers or the tiny dimensions of the flower. There is no effective pesticide against viruses. The only solution is to eliminate and destroy the affected plants in order to prevent transmission of virus to the remainder of the area. The majority of viruses are transmitted by insects or infected horticultural materials (pruning shears blades, knives, saws etc.). We can stop the spread of infectious diseases by taking on the populations of sucking insects, including leafhoppers, aphids and thrips and mites. Make sure that all tools are infected prior to receiving served again. It is recommended to send samples of plants showing signs of illness to the Facility of Phytosanitary Diagnosis (see Annexe E Diagnostics for Services, at page 90) to be analyzed. If it is possible, we will eliminate the affected plants to stop the spread of it to more plants.

Ash yellows

The plants affected are prone to a decrease of growth and atrophy. They also with small leaves, often chlorotic and have witch brooms (proliferation in the form of growing shoots) on the branches that are at their end. The symptoms can differ based on the plant's age.

Yellow Elm

The mycoplasmas that cause this disease could be brought about by leafhoppers. In midsummer, the leaves of trees affected by the disease begin to change color twist, twist or begin to arch (Epinasty). The majority of the time, infected leaves are able to fall and the branch ceases to grow shortly afterwards.

Rose mosaic

The symptoms may differ depending on the species, the climate and the type of virus. The leaves may be discolored as well as speckling of chlorotic, ring spots and green mottling light or chlorotic, a lightening of veins, or formation of streaks and tiles or even yellow.

Abiotic diseases

These conditions manifest in the leaves or root system or both. They usually are a result of extreme environmental conditions (too hot or dry, too moist or too dry, etc.). Abiotic illnesses are at the root of a broad variety of issues in the sense that they cause the plant to become susceptible to diseases secondary. This can lead to an accelerated decline in the plant to death. These problems are usually attributable to the climatic or soil conditions or human activities on the air and soil.

To stop this from happening it is possible to stop or minimize the causes of the damage (eg salt) and use plants that are stronger or enhance the cultivation techniques. The sudden appearance of full-sun after a period with rainy and cloudy weather could cause the leaves of trees to become dry Acer or Fagus genera during late spring. The burning of roots due to the salt that is present on the ground is an atypical biochemical issue. It is caused due to deicing salt groundwater or runoff. The effect can be controlled by increasing the aeration of the soil , and by providing the soil with plenty of water using less saltwater.

The extent and the nature change, such depending on the condition, age and the type of plant, are various factors that affect the capacity of the plant to adjust to the changes in its conditions. The Oak and maple as well as Ash, and spruce are all difficult to adjust to changes in the environment, such as drought, compaction of soil excessive water (which causes roots to be denied adequate airflow) and changes in soil's level or the breaking of roots when working. Exotic species, such as spruce Norway typically have greater difficulties adapting to Ontario's climate than native species.

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